Here’s how it works
What we Buy
We buy men’s and women’s gently used fashionable clothing, shoes, bags, hats, belts and scarves. Items must be clean, in good condition and on-trend. (We love vintage too!).
To keep our stores fresh and easy to browse, we buy for one season at a time. The season we are currently buying for is always up to date on Instagram, our website, and in our stores.
When we Buy
Our buying counters are open daily for drop-offs starting at 11am up until 2 hours before closing. We ask that all items be picked up at least 1 hour before closing to confirm your offer.
Arrive early to guarantee a spot in line for your items. We accept items on a first come, first served basis. If our buying queue is full, we will ask you to bring back your items on another day or suggest one of our other locations.
While packing up your items, inspect each piece on the inside and outside to make sure they are clean and spot-free.
Bring no more than three grocery store sized bags to sell at a time.
off your
When you arrive, we will record your first and last name and your cell phone number and provide an estimated wait time.
A buyer will go through your items and set aside what we would like to purchase from you and price them for our store.
Our choices are based on season, condition, trendiness, and if we think it is resellable.
The buyer will send you a text message when they have completed going through your items. If you have not received a text message and it is nearing the end of the day, please return to the store.
The choice
is yours

The buyer will identify for you which items we’d like to purchase, and what we’ve priced them at to sell in our stores.

You can choose to receive 50% of the total price in store credit


you can take 25% of that price in cash.
fine print
We require valid I.D. to give cash and you must be at least 18 years of age.
We then give you back the items we did not choose.
All items must be picked up by the end of the day they are brought in.
Any items left at the store will be considered donations.
Please note that there are many factors that go into our buying decisions besides style and condition. This includes what we currently have in stock, what we need at that moment and how many items we already have.

While we would love to have all your clothing go to excellent new homes, our buyers are very selective and only put the items they know will sell well in the stores, keeping our stores the very best for our shoppers.